Monday, February 23, 2009

Little Brother by Cory Doctorow

Fantastic techno-geek adventure wherein Marcus (a consumate hacker and rule breaker) is the target of intense scrutiny by the Department of Homeland Security. Rather than lie low and let the DHS run his life, Marcus and friends fight back by waging a cyberwar on an alternate internet. Fast paced, very hip, great teen appeal.


Patty said...

Sorry. Maybe I'm not a technogeek.
I didn't really like this book.
I'll give it a second chance.
I gave it to my library's computer hacker and he said, "I don't read."
Duh--I guess he's too busy on the computer!

Josh B. said...

I loved this book. The Techno speak to me did not seem to bad, in fact I liked it a lot because most the the techno speak was very well explained so a person without that much knowledge would be able to get what is going one. The story was exciting, and fairly belivable. It might not endure the test of time, but that is a tough thing to count against it because any book that apeals to a teens knowledge of technology in theory shouldnt stand the test of time.

Allison said...

I keep going back and forth on this book. I might have to remove it from my top 5. It's a lot of fun but is it timeless?

pandamans said...

The timeless thing is an issue -- but it was such a good story. Definitely near the top of my list.

pandamans said...
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pandamans said...

Check out this artwork based on Little Brother

Patty said...

OK, so now I've finished this book and I really like it. I REALLY like it! It reads like a thriller from beginning to end. For some reason, though, it nevers leaves my library's shelf! Glad it's a top 20, but not in my top 5.

Patty said...
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