Just as Lucas's feelings about his missing dad are coming to a head, he discovers an urn being stored at a mini-cab office. Lucas endeavors to help Violet Park (the cremated remains) find a better resting place and through a bunch of coincidences and discoveries begins to feel that perhaps Violet was seeking him out from beyond the grave. Lucas starts researching Violet's life and is startled to realize that Violet may be the key to his dad's disappearance. As he gets closer to understanding why his father may have chosen to leave, Lucas must face the fall-out that his dad's abandonment has caused with his depressed mother, wild and angry sister, crushed grandparents, and guilt-ridden family friend, as well as how he (Lucas) has come to idolize a man who probably didn't deserve it.
Even summarizing this book makes me conflicted. Parts of it were fantastic contemporary fiction about a young man's self-discovery, parts of it could have been interesting paranormal fantasy. I think the strongest writing involved the former, the latter started to feel like a bit of a crutch to get to the meat of the story. However, this one did make me think. I'm giving it a high Maybe.
I found this to be a provocative book and I finished it practically in one sitting. The mystery keeps the reader guessing, but the focus on the lives of the narrator's parents gives the story its true meat. Who wouldn't want to pry in to Mom's diary and see what she's really thinking, even if it seeing something you would never want to know? (this reminds me period in my teens I spent reading my Dad's diaries, which for the most part were quite dull) The book is British, but not too foreign to make it difficult for American readers.
This one was a reverse sandwich for me - with the meat at the beginning and end, the low carb bread in the middle. I found it's casual approach to drug use and drinking interesting - and the entire plot strong in it's originality. Whether or not it's award winning material though is difficult for me to decide. I have to say I'm on the maybe end of things as well - but leaning towards the lower end of the scale.
Slow start and improbable plotline, but it had a quirkiness about it. A bit heavy with the British references but overall a quick read. I'm giving it a MAYBE
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