"Conn should have dropped dead the day he picked Nevery's pocket and stole the wizard's locus magicalicus, a stone used to focus magic and work spells."
Conn lives in Twilight, a pickpocket able to open locks and survive alone in a treacherous city. Conn is streetwise, frank, intelligent and advocates well for himself. Nevery takes him on and Conn insists on being an apprentice, not a servant. Nevery, the crotchedy exile, ignores Conn's questions and insights about the dying magic of Wellmet.
Magic Thief is an enjoyable story with good pacing, and the characters have fun quirks and interactions. Conn's adventures and forthright observations have engaging appeal. It is a fun read, lighter than Harry Potter but can go on a HP read alike list. I think the series will be a sucess, but I'm not convinced it is TU material. NAY
I agree, it is a fun read and wouldn't hesitate to recomend it but I still have to say nay. I think it is on the young side too.
Young, predictable. Nay.
I really liked it, but a bit too lightweight. Unfortunately, nay for me, too.
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