Audrey breaks up with her boyfriend, Evan. He writes a song about their breakup. The song is a hit. First on college airwaves and then nation wide. The paparazzi isn't kind and Audrey isn't relishing the fame - she is the one who initiated the breaking up after all.
The story is told from Audrey's perspective to the reader as if we've been following the tabloids and Internet messages blogging her every move, especially the blunders. Audrey, Wait! is book candy - witty, sarcastic and featuring an obese feline as the straight man in the comedy. I wish I had Audrey's repertoire of repartee and banter. Observation: Audrey has a tremendously secure body image to not once worry about how her body looked in the videos and photos (except her fashion and hair). If you've never wanted to be famous, this story will endorse that aversion to the spotlight.
The style reminded me of Cupcake by Rachel Cohn - probably not coincidence since she's acknowledged by Benway at the end. It is a fun read with rapid fire comebacks and likeable characters. The quips may not be timeless although the communication technology IM, blogs, message boards are likely be to common tools or generally remembered in history. The band references will fade, but the quotes at the beginning of each chapter have significance even if the reader isn't familiar with the songs. (and anything can be found on Google after all...) Fun read, entertaining, but I don't think it qualifies as timeless. NAY
Kathy, Wait! You don't think this title is timeless? What about the FUG arm bands?
I thought this title was hilarious, but you're right, not timeless. It's nice to have some "light" and "fun" books to recommend, though. Audrey's pretty cavalier about everything, except her music, which she takes VERY seriously! A nay from me, too, but if you have extra time at the beach, take this title!
Patty - you are quite right - a fun read to recommend :) even for the pop-culturally challenged. (I am watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer on my recovery bed - for my first time.)
Unshelved featured Audrey, Wait on a booktalk!
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