This memoir details the life of Ashley Rhodes-Courter, who was in the foster care system from age 2 through 12, when she was adopted by a bestselling author Gay Courter and her husband. Ashley's story is a fairly typical of the flawed foster care system, but Ashley herself is very unique. She is smart, spunky, and determined the live life to the fullest. I've read a lot of memoirs, and I really liked this one. I think it would appeal to many teens. I give it a Thumbs Up!
OK, this is Patty again, reconsidering what I said (and looking at a list of over 255 titles to read!) I'll change this to a Thumbs Down, since I don't think it's over the top great!
It was a good book, I laughed, I cried and I cried some more. It is amazing what this author has seen in her life and she is just graduating college. That being said, I haven't read a lot of great "OMG this has to win" type books. So I'm a maybe.
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